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Waterways Management

ELM has an advanced group of environmental professionals that collaborate to manage projects along waterways and has successfully managed waterway projects for a range of clients for over 30 years. These projects have refined our staff’s capabilities to formulate unique approaches to complex problems using strategies that bring stakeholders together and optimize the benefits of actions over the short- term and long-term planning horizons.


In particular, ELM’s waterways management approach recognizes that large projects along and within waterways pose a unique set of management challenges. We have a deep understanding of the relationships between stakeholders, regulatory standards, climate, watershed and landscape factors, and project sustainability. 

To manage these complex projects, ELM’s team of inter-disciplinary professionals uses a combination of scientific methods, technologies, engineering knowledge, socio-economic analysis, and planning tools.


ELM’s integrated approach emphasizes development of conceptual site models that are compatible with the regulatory and state/local planning policies and form a basis for a path forward towards project-specific solutions.  Visual presentation of ideas supported by sound science, engineering and the application of technologies is used to engage stakeholders (e.g., local communities to Federal natural resource trustees) in a collaborative process that balances competing interests and leads to a shared vision.


For more information regarding ELM’s Waterways Management services, please contact Peter Brussock (ppbrussock@elminc.com), Mike McNally (mmcnally@elminc.com), or Elle Anzinger (eanzinger@elminc.com).

Superfund Project Coordination and Management

ELM has extensive experience in the management and implementation of CERCLA projects at multiple levels, including:

  • Project Coordination.
  • Remedial Design as the Engineer of Record.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Specialty topics support.  


ELM serves as the Project Coordinator for two large multi-party CERCLA sites including the Berry’s Creek Study Area (BCSA) in northern New Jersey and the Bridgeport Rental and Oil Services (BROS) Site in southern New Jersey.  In this role, ELM assists the BCSA and BROS client groups navigate the remediation process from developing collaborative technical teams, scoping, and implementation of the Remedial Investigation through coordination and management of the Feasibility Study, Remedial Design and Remedial Action phases.  ELM serves as a primary contact with EPA and other stakeholders.  Project management activities include detailed risk and decision-analyses, budget development and tracking, invoice review and processing, funding needs assessment and management of contracts.  ELM has successfully guided challenging and complex projects to positive and effective outcomes. 


For more information regarding ELM’s CERCLA Project Coordination and Management services, please contact Mike  McNally (mmcnally@elminc.com) or Peter Brussock (ppbrussock@elminc.com).

Superfund/CERCLA Cost Allocation

CERCLA cost allocation is the process that evaluates and assigns Superfund site cleanup costs among potentially responsible parties (PRPs) based on equitable factors.  ELM provides expert technical support to private clients and attorneys involved in CERCLA PRP cost allocation cases. These cases include both legacy Superfund sites, where remedial costs have been well established as well as emerging Superfund sites.  ELM’s scientists and engineers review and analyze large volumes of historical data and information to determine a fair and defensible cost-share allocation that stands up to scrutiny from opposing attorneys and allocators. In doing so, ELM brings to bear expertise in chemistry, industry processes, historical waste management practices, contaminant fate and transport, and regulatory context to build a weight-of-evidence analysis that advocates for its clients.  Through our strategic approach to cost allocation, ELM has helped clients recover millions of dollars in CERCLA liability costs.

ELM also maintains specific expertise in helping PRPs demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the applicable CERCLA Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and delisting NPL sites.

For more information regarding ELM’s CERCLA Cost Allocation services, please contact Jeff Moore (jmoore@elminc.comor Dipa Chavan (dchavan@elminc.com).

ELM Launches


Welcome to ELM’s newly upgraded and updated website!  Please see our enhanced and expanded practice area descriptions and New Employee Spotlight and join us in congratulating recently promoted and/or certified ELM employees!!!

ELM Launches


Welcome to ELM’s newly upgraded and updated website!  Please see our enhanced and expanded practice area descriptions and New Employee Spotlight and join us in congratulating recently promoted and/or certified ELM employees!!!